
Pentacostal es el nuevo video de manos de Vans. Como no, nos deleitan con otro gran video repleto de buenas surfeadas. Esta vez inspirado en las tonalidades de la cultura del cine australianas. Además tremendas imágenes, muy cuidadas.

Was inspired by the tonalities of Australian cult cinema. Directors Wade Goodall & Shane Fletcher have merged these filmic elements within the body of a surf film through emotive animations, an undulating soundscape, and a subliminal narrative which follows a quasi-recursive map depicted by a pentagram drawn on the map of Australia.

“A recollection of Australasian exploration following a quasi-recursive map, with elemental moments of expressive wave worship.”

Featuring Wade Goodall, Dane Reynolds, Harry Bryant, Nathan Fletcher, Pat Gudauskas, Dylan Graves, Nathan Florence, Tanner Gudauskas & Kyuss King

Music Credits: Soundtrack by Grinderman, 35007, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Windhand, Goons of Doom, plus original compositions from Black Waves, Thom Pringle, Nathan Fletcher, Shane Fletcher and more.

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