The Crap Show

The Crap Show nos deja a segunda parte de su documental. Como no, no podía faltar hablar con los veteranos de la crew y que comentaran algo sobre las nuevas generaciones. Así que podrás ver a algunos de los más jóvenes que ya le sacan fuego al snowpark de Laax.

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Part II is dedicated to the most remarkable and memorable riders of The Crap Show. We’ve talked with some of the established Crap Show riders – the Legends so to say – and brought in a bunch of the newer generation of riders to share their thoughts on each other, the parks and The Crap Show in general. In this episode, you’ll find out what guys like James Niederberger and Alexander Tank have to say about Lucas “Yung Doli” Baume and Kevin Trammer. On the other hand, you’ll hear youngbloods like Elio Fumagalli and Florian Fischer talk about the “Oilers and Friends” gang.


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